Weekly Wisdoms | Wisdoms and Wrinkles

Weekly Wisdoms #2

If you missed my first Weekly Wisdoms, you ca

(Glimmers are micro-moments of joy that make us feel happy, hopeful, and safe.)

  • I officially launched Wisdoms and Wrinkles today on my social media channels! It has been a bit bitter sweet as I slowly let of HarassedMom.
  • Jack and I had our weekly coffee date at Culture, it was such a gorgeous day.
  • I put up this advent calendar over my desk. We made it last year and each little house is a different design and we colored them all in differently. It makes me happy.
  • I spent some time in my garden over the weekend. It was so good for my soul.
  • I had a tough emotional week that carried on into the week, I told my neighbour and she bought us dinner on Monday night. It was nachos, which is our favourite and it was so delicious and also such a kind gesture.

Clearing out the clutter is not about finding joy, its about control!

Disclaimer: I have not read Maria Kondos book, it is possible she says this!

Just after I left my first husband I went to see a psychologist, the only thing I remember about those sessions was her telling me that my need (during my marriage) to keep the house clean had nothing to do with cleanliness but rather with control.

I am an enneagram 8 – we are all about being in control. Being in control makes us feel safe.

When we got back from Cape Town after Cameron’s death, I had a desperate need to get back control. One of the few things I could control 100% was my home – the clutter, the organisation, the cleanliness – there was no push back from anyone. I could control how organised everything was. I could control the clutter. And control I did.

I started in my office and ruthless threw out and donated stuff. I moved to the lounge, then the kitchen and the laundry, then my room and bathroom cupboard. It all had to go!

Once I had decluttered and put things back where they were supposed to be I started labelling what was left, thanks to my handy little Cricut machine.

The dog and hamster food got a label on it. The boxes in my office, got labels on them. Emma’s market box – labeled! The light Emma takes to her night markets – yup, you guessed it – it got a label. I got my domestic helper on board and she finally let go of a pile of odd socks she has been collecting for 10 years together with some broken linen I think she was waiting for the elves to fix!

I have literally spent the last 2 months organising my home within an inch of it’s life!

I posted to threads about this and got a few replies agreeing that they to declutter and organise when they are working through things and need to find some sort of control on their lives.

While seeing the organisation and pretty labels does bring me joy, the motivation was, without question, control.

Isn’t this the prettiest image! I found it on Pinterest.

I didn’t find this this week but am sharing it anyway – The Papery has this subscription stationery boxes that are like a rewards for dealing with life. I am a new subscriber but have bought two boxes so far and absolutely LOVE them.

I stumbled upon this TikTok and found it fascinating. She talks about how gossip isn’t actually bad and is our way of processing things. Check it out here and let me know what you think.

Did you know about Letterboxd? Its like GoodReads but for movies. I joined it a few weeks ago because I have watched a lot of movies over the past few weeks and wanted to keep track of them (possible ahs something to do with my need for control). Anyway as I remember them I am adding all the movies I have seen – I am almost on 500, I know there are loads more, I just have to add them.

‘Every day the clock resets. Your wins don’t matter. Your failures don’t matter. Don’t stress on what was, fight for what could be.’ -Sean Higgins

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